Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1/6 Update

Just gonna keep it in the body of this email since it's short:

Was cruisin yesterday and saw they posted this
super-gnarly vid of these two dudes charging a sub-sea level slab
monster. One of the guys, Ed Guzman, is 52. Unreal.
This wave looks like the entire ocean, all the way to the horizon, pushes
forward and drops about 15 feet below sea level and hurls. So intense.
Gnarlier than Teauhpoo or Shipstearns? You be the judge:

ps: feel free to comment on these postings. Let's get some sweet convos goin.

-- John CSB


  1. saw this and thought the same thing. teauhpoo who? legit.


  2. could you imagine gettin your dome shacked off on one of those things. also: that guzman guy said you have to keep your board pointed at the beach when charging this wave. set a rail and eat it, as you could see in that clip of him explaining that. so so so gnar

  3. PS: this looks like Oregon or Washington judging from the beach scene...

